Hopkinsville Rotary Auction Continues To Outdistance 2021

After three nights the Hopkinsville Rotary Club’s 72nd annual fundraising auction is widening the lead over the 2021 auction.

Wednesday night Hopkinsville Rotarians sold 86 items to raise $10,695. The diner and sweet shop brought in $5,695, and the hour and goat club raised $55,854, which advanced the Wednesday night total to $72,245. After the first three nights, the Hopkinsville Rotary Club has raised $273,896, putting the fundraiser $135,899 ahead of 2021.

Rotary Auction Chairman Andrew Wilson was joined by District Governor Gail Story, who was excited to be a part of education night.

click to download audioWilson said the auction got a real boost on Wednesday night when some apple dumplings donated by Rotary President Cody Noffsinger’s grandmother sold two times.

click to download audioWilson also thanked Main Street Tavern for providing pizza during the auction.

click to download audioHe also thanked the community for a great Wednesday night.

click to download audioBoston Butts will be ready for sale at the Memorial Building at 10:30, with smoked chickens in the diner Thursday evening. The auction continues at 6:00 and can be viewed in person and on a number of platforms.


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