Cadiz Rotary Club Smashes 2022 Auction Goal

Cadiz and Trigg County once again showed how much it supports the mission of the Cadiz Rotary Club with a record amount raised during the 55th annual fundraising event that concluded Friday night at the WKDZ studios.

The week served a two-fold purpose as the rotary continues to serve the youth and seniors of Trigg County. Over $133,000 was raised for Genesis Express, the Cadiz non-profit organization that is raising money for an intergeneration center on Jefferson Street to continue its educational and philanthropic endeavors.

Auction co-chair Alana Baker Dunn then announced the grand total for the week, which set a new rotary club record.

click to download audioFriday’s auction total alone was over $44,100. Century Club donations received a match from a friend of rotary and brought in $63,700.

Perhaps the biggest surprise came from the Trigg County School System where different contests and campaigns helped raise a record $24,409 for the auction. The Trigg County Primary School, led by its ‘Pack the Piggie’ campaign raised the most money at $8,699.

2022 marked the third consecutive year the rotary auction was held through online bidding on the WKDZ Big Deals Store which allowed people to bid 24/7 and not just when the auction was on the air. In the past three years, the Cadiz Rotary Club has raised just over $1 million for its programs through auction week activities.

Auction co-chairs Kyle Hensley and Alana Baker Dunn read the totals for the 2022 radio auction in the video below.

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