CCPS Teachers Give High Marks On State Working Conditions Survey

Teachers in Christian County Public Schools are giving the district higher marks this year on the 2022 Impact KY Working Conditions Survey. Superintendent Chris Bentzel reviewed the results of the fall survey with the Board of Education Wednesday night. Bentzel says the district had 530 employees fill out the survey this year compared to 445 in 2020.

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He adds the district increased in all categories but one – Educating All Students, where it fell by one percent.

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Teachers ranked the district at the state average in Managing Student Behavior and School Climate. In Emotional Well Being and Belonging, Feedback and Coaching, Professional Learning, Resources, School Leadership, and Staff-Leadership Relationships, the district scored above the state average.

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In other business, the board received an update on the Safety and Attendance Incentive Program. Director of Transportation Mike Brumley says a little over 42 percent haven’t missed a day from August to December.

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Food Service Director Penny Holt says the program has helped keep her staff working too.

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The program rewards those employees who work their entire schedule monthly and then at the end of the year.

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