Cadiz City Council Addresses Committee Pay, Police Cars, Rennaissance

Among its numerous concerns and actions Tuesday night, the Cadiz City Council unanimously approved payments for those who attend and serve on planning, zoning and adjustments committees, authorized Police Chief Duncan Wiggins to purchase a used Interceptor, and officially announced a new Renaissance Director.

City Clerk Barbie Johnson noted that planning, zoning and adjustments positions within the city have long gone unpaid — save the occasional trinket or Christmas gift as a show of thanks for the municipal, volunteer efforts.

However, following the recent attendance of a Hopkinsville training at the PADD office, Johnson said payment for these services isn’t just luxury. It’s often expected across the Commonwealth.


Councilwoman Susie Hendricks added that the amount of training and knowledge these “volunteers” have to have for city planning is far-and-above what other normal committees typically need — which warrants payment.

The council voted in $30 per meeting for those who attend.

Meanwhile, back in October of last year, Wiggins and his staff ordered a cruiser for their aging fleet. But just like anything else, supply lines have stalled production.

Wiggins reported Tuesday that a VIN number has arrived, which means the order is in production, but its expected arrival would be late in the fourth quarter — and by then, two Cadiz police cars would be cresting north of 160,000 miles.

As such, Wiggins suggested the council allow him to purchase an Interceptor model from Stallons Used Cars — set at $16,500 with 30,000 miles — and allow Cadiz Auto Body paint it white to match colors.

Originally in Atlanta, Wiggins said the car already had most of the same wiring harnesses and compartments needed for an easy transition and a total cost of less than $24,000 — while they wait for their October order that cost $37,000.

Then, with city’s Renaissance Director Darlene Butts resigning over health reasons, Johnson said several great applications had come in for the position over the last two or so weeks.

She said there were many interviews with many great candidates, and that it was a tough decision.

However, one resume clearly stood out: Ryan Clark.

Clark most recently served as special events supervisor for Kentucky State Parks, and is currently working toward his PhD in education and community leadership at Murray State University. He has a bachelor’s degree in recreation and park management, and a master’s degree in non-profit management and marketing.

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