Governor Breathitt Statue Project In Final Stage

An effort to preserve the legacy of former Kentucky Governor Edward “Ned” Breathitt will come to fruition later this year when a bronze statue is erected in front of the Christian County Courthouse.

The late governor’s daughter Linda Breathitt says the family has been planning the statue for several months, with the intention to honor his legacy and educate the public about Governor Breathitt’s work when he led that state from 1963 until 1967.

click to download audioBreathitt says work is already underway at the foundry in Louisville, with the statue to both honor the former governor and provide details about his work.

click to download audioShe notes many of his accomplishments will be on the plaque.

click to download audioBreathitt says the statue will be placed in front of the historic county courthouse on South Main Street.

click to download audioShe adds the Pennyroyal Arts Council is assisting with the project, with Margaret Prim playing a critical role in helping select the site for the statue.

click to download audioBreathitt says the family has already raised $90,000 from the family and friends of the former governor in central Kentucky. She says an event will be held later this year to provide more details to the community and allow donations to be made to help finish the project.

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