Christian County Farm Bureau Celebrates Food Checkout Week

The Christian County Farm Bureau Women’s committee highlighted the work of Kentucky farmers by celebrating Food Checkout Week by helping the Martin Luther King, Jr. backpack program.

Women’s Committe Chairman Ginnie Sholar says Food Checkout Week is a celebration of the low cost of food in the United States and the farmers that grow the food.

click to download audioSholar says the committee has organized a number of projects over the years.

click to download audioThis year she says they decided to donate to the backpack program at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary.

click to download audio

Sholar says the committee also brought awareness to Food Checkout Week by presenting Kentucky Proud baskets to two Christian County officials.

click to download audioSholar adds more information on food checkout week and the contribution by farmers in Kentucky and the nation can be found on the Christian County Farm Bureau social media site.



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