Genesis Express Hosts MLK Walk In Cadiz

A small Cadiz Police escort and 25 or so local dignitaries embracing Genesis Express sent a large message Monday morning, when they slowly marched in the bitter cold from the Renaissance Stage down to the West Cadiz Park pavilion — celebrating a message of unity, peace and the birthday of civil rights activist, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In between two prayers, a brisk walk and three songs, Genesis Express President George Radford noted that King’s storied life of 39 years may have been a short and tragic time, but it was long enough to do everything he could to affect change.

And that, Radford said, is the most important message in King’s memory — which has yet to fizzle since his fatal shooting April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.

Radford added that “coming together” with purpose was the best way to create progress — progress toward civility and loving one another.

Referencing the Holy Bible and King’s most famous speech, “I Have A Dream,” Radford had a heavy pause — before addressing that unity should bring a sense of reasoning between peoples.

Trigg County High School junior Kelsey Parham gave a brief synopsis of King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, which was delivered August 28, 1963, during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom — where more than 250,000 civil rights supporters flooded the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to hear pleas for civil and economic rights, and to end racism in the United States.

Rev. W.R. Catlett of Cave Spring Baptist Church, as well as Pastor Perry Boyd of Macedonia Faith Fellowship Ministries, offered invocations. Jonathan White and John Ladd, of Genesis Express, led “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Boyd anchored the rendition of “Lift Every Voice & Sing,” while Radford’s wife, Agnes, opened up “So Glad I’m Here In Jesus’ Name.”

Catlett’s Prayer:

“The Star-Spangled Banner”:

“Lift Every Voice”:

Boyd’s Prayer:

“Well I’m So Glad”:

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