Fall Forest Fire Hazard Season Begins Friday

Photo: Land Between the Lakes

With wildfires raging in the western United States, Kentucky fire officials are reminding residents that as the state enters its Fall Forest Fire Hazard Season on Friday, October 1, their actions can make a big difference in the number and severity of fires in the commonwealth.

According to Director of the Division of Forestry Brandon Howard, wildfires are more than 99% human-caused in Kentucky. He says people deliberately setting forests on fire is the number one cause, followed by the burning of fields or debris. He adds other causes are sparks from faulty equipment, downed electrical lines, children playing with fire, and escaped campfires.

Howard says the safety of communities in Kentucky and the protection of the state’s vast forest resources is the top priority of the Division of Forestry. He adds that in order for the commonwealth to keep fires to a minimum this fall season, every Kentuckian has to be intentional and responsible.

In an effort to reduce accidental fires, Howard notes burning restrictions are in place during fall fire season when fallen leaves can quickly spread flames. Beginning Friday, through December 15, it is illegal under state law to burn anything within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland between the daylight hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Forestry officials say that individual efforts can go a long way in reducing the occurrence of wildfire, and taking extra precautions with debris fires and campfires as well as being alert to forest arson can eliminate the majority of wildfires that occur in Kentucky.

To prevent wildfires, KDF recommends the following precautions:

  • Be aware of all outdoor burning restrictions, including forest fire hazard seasons, air pollution regulations, restrictions imposed by local ordinances, and county burn bans.
  • Avoid burning debris during fire hazard seasons and during times of dry, windy conditions. Outdoor burning is illegal between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. in or within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland during forest fire hazard seasons.
  • Completely extinguish all campfires and debris piles, especially if conditions become too windy. Never leave a fire unattended.
  • Extinguish smoking materials properly. Put out cigarettes, cigars, or pipes only in areas free of vegetation or debris.
  • Avoid parking cars, trucks, or recreational vehicles on dry vegetation. The exhaust system on a vehicle can reach a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees, which is hot enough to start a wildfire during a dry season.
  • Incorporate “Firewise” practices around homes and communities in forested areas. Create a defensible space around homes by removing leaves, debris, and firewood to ensure access for safety personnel and equipment in rural or isolated areas.
  • Report suspicious acts of arson to the nearest Kentucky State Police post or call the Target Arson Hotline at 1-800-27-ARSON.

For more information about how you can prevent wildfires, contact the Kentucky Division of Forestry at 1-800-866-0555 or visit the Division’s website at https://eec.ky.gov/Natural-Resources/Forestry.


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