Cadiz City Council Approves Economic Incentives, Jolly Drive Construction

In a flurry of progressive moves for Trigg County commerce, the Cadiz City Council unanimously approved two economic development incentives and a bid for construction of “Jolly Drive” during Tuesday night’s meeting.Twice entering executive session to discuss terms and financial details, both Cis Marie’s Küche (pronounced koo-sha, and the German word for “Kitchen”) and Load Covering Solutions were the benefactors of the council’s decisions — as different developments for the city.

Located at 8 Marion Street in what used to be Reba’s, Cis Marie’s Küche was awarded a $2,500 matching grant, pursuant of City Ordinance 35.09 in which an existing business can apply and be granted funds for approved improvements, the replacement of signage, some remodeling and refurbishing, as well as a waiver of utility connection fees, a waiver for building permit fees and the potential for additional incentives on a case-by-case basis as noted by the City Council.

The Küche already has a strong presence at the twice-a-week Cadiz Farmer’s Market, offering French macarons, cheesecakes and other desserts. Now, a brick-and-mortar option is coming.

Load Covering Solutions, meanwhile, is a Canadian business that provides specialized tarps and covers for the semi tractor-trailer industry. A grading plat for its soon-to-be I-24 Industrial Park location near Transcraft has already been unanimously approved by the Cadiz-Trigg Planning Commission, and on Tuesday the Cadiz City Council granted a two-thirds rebate of payroll tax due from new employees for three years, as well as a 100 percent rebate of a business license tax due for two years.

This is a typical commitment for any Cadiz business that will employ 50 people or fewer.

Once it’s constructed, Jolly Drive will not only house 12 commercial plats for development, but it will help connect Glenwood Mill Road to US 68/80, in what continues to be an all-systems-go approach for highway economics.

Cadiz Mayor Todd King said two bids came in for the highly-anticipated project: one at $160,349, and an accepted bid of $150,837 from Knight Construction.

Susan Hyde, assistant city clerk, said there were plenty of funds in place to start and finish the project on time.

In other business:

— Stephanie Hancock was unanimously approved to the Housing Authority Board.

— Outgoing Cadiz Public Works Director Kerry Fowler presented the recently-awarded “Wooden Bucket” honor, which was bestowed to the City of Cadiz by the Kentucky Rural Water Association and designated the town as the top water municipality in the state.

— And King said both he and Hyde spoke with Governor Andy Beshears’ office, and were notified that, as of now, the 2021 Ham Festival is still on, but that any potential cancellation due to COVID-19 likely wouldn’t come until 14 days out of the weekend.

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