Kuttawa City Hall Temporary Closed Due To COVID-19 Exposures

City of Kuttawa/Facebook

Officials have announced an executive order has been implemented for a short-term closure of Kuttawa City Hall due to COVID-19 exposures.

In a social media post officials with the City of Kuttawa announced it has been brought to their attention that a number of employees who currently work at Kuttawa City Hall recently came into direct contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. As a result of these exposures to the virus, employees of the City of Kuttawa are now subject to mandatory quarantines.

Officials add that because of the staffing shortages created by the mandatory quarantines, and guidance provided by the Lyon County Health Department, it was necessary to implement a short-term closure of Kuttawa City Hall, which will remain closed to the public until Thursday, September 9.

In the event of an emergency regarding municipal gas service, city officials say you can contact Mike Avery at 270-625-1117. In the event of an emergency regarding municipal water service, contact Billy Asher at 270-350-3002.

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