Trigg Farm Bureau Celebrates Successful 2021

Trigg County Farm Bureau leaders and members celebrated a successful 2021 during the annual meeting Friday night.

A smaller crowd than normal was on hand for the meeting Friday night at the Trigg County Recreation Complex Convention Center. President Donovan Washer says Farm Bureau membership is continuing to grow.

click to download audioKentucky Farm Bureau second vice-president Sharon Furches of Murray says the efforts of local farm bureaus are appreciated.

click to download audioFormer President Alana Baker Dunn presented the county resolutions that were approved unanimously.

click to download audioTrigg County Farm Bureau Insurance Agency Manager Norman Cotton says 2020 was a successful year.

click to download audioCotton says farm and homeowner policyholders will see some expanded benefits in 2022.

click to download audioCotton thanked fellow agent J. B. Moore and the office staff Lisa Sumner, Tammy Phillips, and Jennifer Green.

And Lilly P’Pool won the Outstanding Farm Bureau Youth contests.


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