Unity Summit Sheds Light On Inequalities

Where do we go from here? It’s a simple question, but depending on the context it has a very difficult answer. Over 100 people sat down Saturday at the Unity Summit, hosted by municipal leaders, to discuss an answer in regards to systematic racism. Christian County Judge Executive Steve Tribble says he and all the mayors of the county decided a summit was a good starting point following national events over the last few years.

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Invited to speak and answer community questions were law enforcement leaders, education officials, members of the clergy, the Human Rights Commission, and several African American community leaders. The current state of affairs was summed up best by theological student Donovan Pinner.

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The discussion nationally has brought community policing to the forefront and in that regard, Hopkinsville Police Chief Clayton Sumner says the city is lightyears ahead of other communities as it has been doing community policing for decades.

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Christian County Superintendent Chris Bentzel and Hopkinsville Community College President Dr. Alissa Young say both organizations are working to ensure minority students see themselves in the leadership to encourage and foster the idea that they too can achieve success. The public school district, even recently, brought on a Diversity Administrator.

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Several presenters and audience members shared their experiences with racism. Use of force by police, the poverty level and its effect on children, and the lack of younger people in attendance were all points of discussion during the morning. While the hard answer to where do we go from here may not have been reach, those in attendance left armed with knowledge and that is a good starting point.

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