LBL Officials Asking Public Not To Leave Trash Behind

(LBL Photo)

As more people escape the confines of their homes for an outdoor adventure, a problem associated with large crowds has surfaced in Land Between the Lakes — excessive trash.

Officials with the outdoor recreation area posted photos on their Facebook page that showed large amounts of trash on the ground at the Devil’s Elbow Day Use Area in the eastern portion of LBL.

Chris Joyner is the LBL spokesman and said there are places for people to dump their trash. He said they are finding trash on the ground and placed in the fishing line recycling tubes.

He said LBL has a program called “Leave No Trace” that encourages people who use the facilities at LBL to leave it as you found it.

click to download audioJoyner said the trash you leave behind can ruin the chance for the next person who comes behind you.

click to download audioJoyner suggested taking an extra trash bag or two with you if you plan to use any of LBL’s day-use facilities.

A person found guilty of littering on federal property can receive penalties ranging from three months in prison, a $100 fine, or both.

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