Chaudoin Ready To Make A Difference In Broadcasting

A Hopkinsville High School graduate is preparing for a career in the broadcast industry as she spends the summer learning about farm broadcasting.

Karenna Chaudoin was selected as the WKDZ National Association of Farm Broadcasting Foundation Intern for 2021. She says it is a pleasure to spend her summer working with Edge Media Group.

click to download audioChaudoin says her education will take her to Western Kentucky University.

click to download audioShe was drawn to the broadcast industry to help others.

click to download audioChaudoin also says it is important to share the story of agriculture.

click to download audioShe hopes the summer internship will help her learn more about the agriculture industry.

click to download audioChaudoin will spend her summer covering events for the WKDZ Morning Ag Report and She will be busy at the Western Kentucky State Fair and numerous other farm and agriculture events around the area.


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