City of Cadiz Hosts Arbor Day Celebration (w/VIDEO)

The City of Cadiz celebrated Arbor Day Friday morning by planting a tree at the new water treatment plant.

Perry Alexander

Before praying over the ceremony, Plant Superintendent Perry Alexander said trees, like water, are important.

Todd King

Cadiz Mayor Todd King proclaimed Friday as Arbor Day and shared some facts about the special day.

Kayl Kite

Kayl Kite, Lake Barkley Natural Resource Manager with the Corps of Engineers, was the guest speaker for the ceremony. Kite said one of the main focuses of the Corps is protecting natural resources.

He added they have certain restrictions on Corps property, including not allowing anyone to cut down trees.

The city and Trigg County Public Schools partnered together to host an Arbor Day contest.

Main Street Director Casey Parrent shared the winners.

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