Cadiz-Trigg Planning Commission Approves Action Regarding Two Possible Subdivisions

The Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission took action to help two possible subdivisions move forward and heard from a construction company owner concerning a letter of support for another.

During Tuesday evening’s meeting, the commission gave final approval for the Pointers Point Subdivision, which will have six lots, on waterfront property along Lake Barkley off of Shine Lane. They also gave preliminary approval for Cherokee Hills III, a possible six lot subdivision on property near Arrowhead Golf Course.

The commission also heard from Justin Reynolds of Reynolds Construction, who asked the board for a letter of support that he could send to the state concerning an entrance(s) off of U.S. 68/Kentucky 80. The property in question could possibly support 29 lots near Edgewood Drive and on the other side of the highway.

After a short discussion, Commission Attorney Steve Underwood said it could be detrimental if they offered a letter of support for the project and turned Reynolds to the draft 2021-2026 City of Cadiz Comprehensive Plan.

No action was taken concerning the letter of support.

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