Massive Budget Cuts Could Be Coming For LBL

Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area could be taking a massive budget cut in the recreation and heritage department from the U.S. Forest Service.

Media reports indicate the budget could go from $1.8 million this year to $77,000 in the 2021 fiscal year budget and $0 by the 2022 fiscal year.

The drastic cut to the budget could mean the U.S. Forest Service would cut places, like; welcome stations, Energy Lake Campground, picnic areas, firearm shooting ranges, Homeplace 1850s, Brandon Springs, Woodlands Nature Station, and not provide maintenance of trails.

The reports add the closures would only produce about a million in savings a year, while the budget cut would be around $2.5 million, the budget for the recreation and heritage department for the 2015 fiscal year.

Facility maintenance has also seen a drastic decrease in funding over the last six years.

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