City Council Approves Non-Partisan Elections Citizens Committee Members

Hopkinsville City Council Tuesday night approved community members selected to serve on the Non-Partisan Elections Citizens Committee who will study the advantages and disadvantages of changing the city’s elections to nonpartisan.

Before the executive order was read, Mayor Wendell Lynch thanked council members for submitting names for the twelve-member Committee.

City Clerk Crissy Fletcher then read the names of those who will serve on the Committee.

There was a revision to the executive order that was posted on the City of Hopkinsville’s website late last week. The change was the addition of Tom Glover’s name to the Committee in place of former Chamber president, Kelli Pendleton.

In other action, the Council approved incentives for Kindred Holding, LLC to purchase and make improvements to property located at 2230 Pembroke Road, the Tobacco Services/Industrial Storage building. The company estimates an investment of $2 million toward the industrial investment, which will result in the creation of at least 79 new jobs.

The Council also unanimously authorized Mayor Lynch to sign a Grant Agreement between the City of Hopkinsville and Kindred Holdings, LLC and Homecare Products, Inc. in the amount of $316,000.

And Council approved three ordinances on second reading which included the HWEA Waste Water Rate increase, an Operational Budget amendment, and a Solid Waste bond.

During the mayor’s comments, Lynch provided the latest COVID-19 update from the Christian County Health Department and added a more contagious strain of the virus has been confirmed in the county.

Also at the meeting, Hopkinsville Police Officer Jaritt Beasley was sworn in by Mayor Lynch.

The next meeting will be the Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole at 6:00 Thursday night.

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