Kentucky Reports Over 1,000 New COVID Cases Wednesday

Governor Andy Beshear announced 1,028 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday. Of those, 300 are from Monday and Tuesday, but the governor said they could not be confirmed and announced until Wednesday due to a technical issue on the reporting platform.

Governor Beshear said Wednesday’s case report reminds us that even though we’ve come so far in the fight against COVID-19, this isn’t over yet. He added if you are 16 or older, please get vaccinated. He also said Kentuckians need to continue to keep masking up in public spaces even if you have been vaccinated. He said “none of us want to throw away our progress.”

The governor also reported ten new deaths Wednesday, pushing the state’s death toll connected to the virus to 6,198.

The state’s positivity rate decreased slightly to 2.87 percent.

Currently, there are 383 cases hospitalized, while 112 are in ICU and 66 are on a ventilator.

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