Bill To Add Second 56th Circuit Judge Needing House Approval

Legislation that will add a second circuit judge in the 56th Circuit is still waiting for approval by the Kentucky House of Representatives after passing the State Senate earlier this week.

House Bill 327 proposes to add a second circuit judge to help ease one of the largest caseloads for an individual judge in the state of Kentucky. The 56th Circuit includes Caldwell, Trigg, Lyon, and Livingston County.

56th District Judge Jamus Redd, who has been assisting Circuit Judge Woody Woodall by handling some of the cases in the circuit, says he has seen first hand the need for a second judge in the circuit to move cases through the court system more efficiently.

click to download audioJudge Redd says a second judge could assist in a couple of areas.

click to download audioHe adds Kentucky Supreme Court Chief Justice John Minton, who grew in Trigg County, drafted the proposal to add a second judge at no additional cost to the taxpayers.

click to download audioHouse bill 327 calls for the addition of a second judge in the 56th Circuit starting January 2, 2023, after the term of Judge Woodall ends when he plans to retire in 2022.


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