Christian County Schools Report Just Three Active COVID Cases

Christian County Public Schools Superintendent Chris Bentzel is glad the district’s active COVID-19 cases remain low.

During a COVID briefing Tuesday afternoon, Bentzel said there were no active teacher and staff in-person cases and only three in-person active student cases. He added Tuesday was the first day the district utilized quarantine case managers. There is one case manager, a certified teacher, in each of the middle and high schools in the district.

Bentzel added the teachers were hired and will be let go at the end of the school year but hopes they will be able to apply for other teaching positions within the district for the next school year.

Bentzel said he would also talk with the board of education during their workshop meeting Thursday night to have the last day for all students and graduation on Friday, May 21.

He hopes to have in-person graduation for the Class of 2021 and in-person proms for both high schools, with board approval.

He added the district is also looking at a recovery plan for students who need extra help this school year and into the summer. More details will be released when they become available.

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