School Board Hears Learning Recovery Plan For Students

Christian County school board members heard several presentations during Thursday night’s meeting including the district’s learning recovery plan for students based on their instruction needs.

Director of Instruction Jessica Addison said the district is currently in phase one of the district learning recovery plan which is aggressive intervention by monitoring grades and offering tutoring in-school or after school to those students who are falling behind and need help to catch up.

Addison said phases two and three include the planning and implementation of the Summer Learning Institute, which she pointed out is not your traditional summer school. She says it will be available for all students based on what they need.

Addison added the Summer Learning Institute will be from June 7 through July 1, Monday thru Thursday, each week with students attending from 9:00 until 2:00 with meals and transportation provided. She says it’s open for students PreK-12th grade.

During the finance update, Finance Director Jessica Darnell said the district’s revenues and expenses were both down compared to the same time last year. She said the revenue was down about $536,000 due to a change in the SEEK with overall expenses down about $1.6 million.

The board unanimously approved a bid submitted by Swift Roofing in Murray for the partial reroofing of the South Christian Elementary School re-roofing project in the amount of $869,750, pending approval from the Kentucky Department of Education.

And a six-month renewal of the disinfecting contract with McGee Pest Control through July 31st was unanimously approved at a cost of $9,927 per week.

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