Nashville U.S. Army Corps Holds Off On Raising Fees For Shoreline Facilities

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District says they are holding off on a recent decision to raise fees for certain shoreline facilities that were set to go into effect on March 1.

Nashville District Commander Lt. Col. Sonny Avichal says due to financial hardships because of COVID-19, the increased fees will not be implemented for six months. Avichal adds at that time; they will reassess when those new fees should take effect.

During the six-month period, several fees, including improved access, freshwater lines, electric lines, and water withdrawal, will remain at $125 for the license term. Fees for marine railways will remain at $725, also for the term of the license.

The Nashville District collects fees from adjacent landowners for support facilities in conjunction with private dock and moving permits. The Shoreline License Program currently encompasses approximately 2,800 licenses on Lake Barkley, Cheatham Lake, Old Hickory Lake, Center Hill Lake, and Lake Cumberland.

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