Road Crews Continuing ‘Around The Clock’ Effort To Clear Roads

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet crews will continue to clear roads across the region and prepare for the next round of winter weather Wednesday.

District One spokesman Keith Todd tells the News Edge their main focus Monday has been the main roads.

Todd added plows would continue to clear roads until the next winter storm.

Todd said a fatal accident occurred on Interstate 24 near the Calvert City exit, which was one of three reported on Kentucky interstates Monday. Todd also said a semi-truck hit a snowplow in Hickman County.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has requested residents to limit travel as much as possible for at least the next two days as the state continues to get hit with severe winter weather.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Secretary Jim Gray said they have had to pull snowplow drivers off some routes in the state because of ice-covered roads. He said even with highly skilled drivers behind the wheel; trucks were still running into ditches.

Gray’s travel message for the next few days was a simple one.

Governor Beshear said they have alerted the National Guard and anticipate they will be ready to assist where needed.

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