Genesis Express Remembers Legacy Of Dr. McRidley

Genesis Express is celebrating the impact of African American pioneers and leaders in the Cadiz-Trigg County community during Black History Month with a focus on a minister and educator who lived in the 1800s.

Genesis Express member George Radford said with the cancellation of the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. events this year, the organization and Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Dr. Jerry Bacon feel it is important to recognize some Trigg Countians who had a major impact on the community. Radford says the first to be recognized is Reverend Dr. Wendell H. McRidley.

click to download audioRadford says the school had two major focuses.

click to download audioHe says the college later transitioned to an elementary school for African American students.

click to download audioRadford adds the work of Dr. McRidley is still evident today through the Genesis Express organization.

click to download audioGenesis Express will continue celebrating Black History Month each week during the month of February with a special presentation with the News Edge.

Listen to Radford’s conversation with the News Edge.


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