Area Legislators Discuss One-Year Budget Up For Approval This Week

The Kentucky Legislature faces extra pressure this year, as they have a month to pass a one-year budget and other priorities.

Ninth District Representative Myron Dossett is a member of the Appropriations and Revenue Committee, where the budget originates. He tells the News Edge, they have to be cautious about using CARES Act funding in the budget, as that is one-time funding, and the state can not rely on it.

Eighth District Representative Walker Thomas adds there is a lot of great things in Governor Beshear’s budget proposal that he likes.

Fourth District Representative Lynn Bechler says it was interesting that the state revenue, not including CARES Act funding, was more than previous years. He adds that it is not a valid indicator of how the state is actually doing.

The budget is expected to pass in the House Monday afternoon and head to the Senate.

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