McConnell Introduces New $2,000 Stimulus

On the same day Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declined to allow majority approval of a $2,000 stimulus check to Americans, the Kentucky Republican introduced new legislation late Tuesday that includes the $2,000 stimulus checks in addition to a repeal of liability protection for tech giants, and an election integrity commission.

McConnell made waves Tuesday after refusing a quick vote on a bill allowing $2,000 stimulus checks that had garnered bipartisan support. Shortly before adjourning Tuesday evening, he introduced his own bill that addressed President Donald Trump’s legislative priorities.

McConnell said Wednesday that his new legislation combines the President’s priorities into a single Senate process.

He accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of trying to fool the President and the American people.

McConnell said Democrat leaders changed President Trump’s proposal to allow wealthy households more money.

The senator’s legislation includes $2,000 stimulus checks for individuals making up to $75,000 a year.

In a controversial move, he included a repeal of Section 230, which grants liability protection to large technology companies such as Facebook and Twitter. This means social media giants are protected from lawsuits over user-posted content, thus alleviating responsibility for what is posted on their platforms. The provision may draw criticism because it allows social media companies to selectively edit or censor the content posted on their platforms.

McConnell’s other addition creates the Election Assistance Commission, a congressional committee tasked with investigating the integrity of U.S. elections.

He said the Senate will focus on targeted relief instead of broad stimulus distribution.

The Senate could continue debating the bill through the end of this session of Congress on Sunday, January 3.


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