Outgoing Rep. Joe Cunningham Opens Beer in Bipartisan Gesture


Outgoing U.S. Representative Joe Cunningham delivered his farewell speech on the house floor in unforgettable fashion Thursday.

The Lyon County native and a representative from South Carolina’s first district ended his speech by cracking open a beer.

click to download audioEarlier in the speech, the one-term lawmaker said it was an honor to serve the people of South Carolina and said he was proud of the things he accomplished during his time in office. He also said he was disheartened by the partisanship of politics and how political parties are put ahead of people.

He urged republicans and democrats to put politics aside and come together for the American people during a time of need like now, during a pandemic.

Cunningham, a Democrat, lost his bid for re-election last month to Republican Nancy Mace. He said his grandfather told him there is nothing two people can’t work out if they sit down and have a chat over a beer.

Joe is a 2000 graduate of Lyon County High School and the son of former circuit judge and Kentucky Supreme Court Judge Bill Cunningham.

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