Pembroke Triple Murder Suspect Seeks Medical Furlough

A Christian County Circuit Court judge heard arguments Wednesday morning regarding a motion requesting a medical furlough for the former Fort Campbell Army major accused of killing a Pembroke couple and their neighbor in 2015.

Christian Martin, his defense attorney Douglas Moore, and Assistant Attorney General Barbara Whaley appeared before Chief Circuit Judge John Atkins. Moore said he filed the motion asking for a medical furlough because Martin started experiencing what he considers kidney stones last month and needs further treatment than what the jail can provide.

click to download audioWhaley said they filed a response asking the judge to deny the motion.

click to download audioJudge Atkins proposed that both attorneys discuss with the jailer what arrangements can be made for Martin to safely be taken to the Veteran’s Center in Hopkinsville.

click to download audioMartin was arrested in May 2019 after he was indicted by a Christian County grand jury on three counts of complicity to murder, arson, attempted arson, and other offenses. The charges are in connection to the shooting deaths of Calvin and Pam Phillips and Ed Dansereau in Pembroke in November 2015.

Martin is being held in the Christian County Jail under a $3 million bond.

Meanwhile, the Kentucky Supreme Court denied a request to review the Kentucky Court of Appeals ruling concerning Martin’s bond reduction request.  Click here for full story.

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