Better Senior Living Center Working Through COVID Outbreak

Trigg County’s largest single-day increase in COVID-19 cases can be traced to an outbreak at a long-term care facility.

Officials with Better Senior Living on Shelby Street in Cadiz confirmed an outbreak of the virus at their facility. Administrator Maria Estep said the first case was confirmed on November 30 and likely came from a resident that transferred in from another part of the state.

click to download audioEstep would not say how many people at the facility have tested positive for the coronavirus but did say there were some that have required hospitalization.

Trigg County’s COVID-19 case total increased by 34 Tuesday, one of the largest single-day increases for the county since the pandemic began. The Pennyrile District Health Department provided the age on 31 of the 34 cases reported. All but four were over the age of 60 and 10 were 86 and older. Prior to Tuesday, there had only been two confirmed cases in the 86 and older age group in Trigg County this month. The 17 cases in the 60 to 85 age group were five more than any other day reported this month.

Estep said family visitation to the facility was halted two weeks ago, and the residents have been segregated based on their condition. She also said the staff has been working to keep the spread from increasing.

click to download audioEstep said they have been tested twice since the first case was discovered and are getting assistance from the local health department.

The latest cases are the first for the 68-bed facility that is owned by Ohana Healthcare. Estep said they have been fortunate but called the outbreak frustrating.

click to download audioTrigg County has seen 556 confirmed cases of the virus with 141 coming in December. That is 21 fewer than all of November.

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