Restaurants to Resume Indoor Service at 50% Capacity Monday


An executive order that closed Kentucky’s restaurants and bars to indoor dining last month will not extend past Sunday.

Governor Andy Beshear announced Thursday that restaurants can reopen to 50-percent capacity on Monday. Food service must stop at 11pm and restaurants and bars must close at 12. These are the same restrictions that were in place prior to the governor’s latest executive order in November that was met with resistance from several restaurant owners in the state who chose to remain open despite enforcement actions at both the state and local level.

Beshear said the latest executive order was always meant as a temporary way to help the state reach a plateau in COVID-19 cases.

click to download audioThe governor also said mask mandates should be strictly enforced. Earlier this week, Beshear extended the mask mandate in the state for another 30 days.

click to download audioBeshear also said Thursday that gyms and indoor recreation facilities can operate at 50-percent capacity again Monday with a mask mandate as can venues, theaters, and event centers.

The governor also recommended social gatherings continue to be restricted to two families and no more than eight people in December.

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