Kentucky COVID Cases Holding Steady While Hospitalizations Increase

The number of Kentucky’s COVID-19 cases appears to be holding steady compared to previous weeks with the state announcing 3,481 new cases Wednesday.

That number is 120 fewer than last Wednesday but 73 more than Wednesday two weeks ago. According to the state’s COVID-19 website, 82-percent of the state’s COVID cases are confirmed. Just over 37,000 are listed as probable cases. 21-percent of Wednesday’s cases came from Jefferson County.

The state reported 16 new deaths ranging in age from 32 to 94.

The state’s positivity rate was 9.2-percent, which has declined for six straight days. The state said an average of 24,936 people per day are being tested for COVID, which is 68 more per day than November.

Kentucky’s hospitalization and ICU numbers have not shown a decrease this week with both numbers approaching record highs.

Elsewhere, the state reported that over 4,000 applications have been filed for the Team Kentucky Food and Beverage Relief Fund. So far, just under half of the $36.4 million requested has been approved by the state. The fund is part of $40 million in CARES Act money set aside by the state for eligible bar and restaurant owners to help cover operating costs. The maximum award for a business is $10,000.

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