Hopkinsville Community College Reports Enrollment Decrease

Hopkinsville Community College officials say fall semester enrollment was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

HCC Angel Prescott told the college’s advisory board Monday afternoon enrollment was down by more than 500 students during the fall.


HCC Chief Financial Officer Dale Leatherman told board members during the virtual meeting the college’s budget is on track in spite of the enrollment drop.


Leatherman noted the college is continuing to monitor state funding for possible changes or cuts. There had been some concern that colleges and universities across the state would be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

During her report, HCC President Dr. Alissa Young presented the long-term facility plan to the board. Among the greatest needs is a renovation of the academic blue building, with a renovation proposed for the 2022-24 time frame.


Other future potential projects on the list include a renovation of the administration building in the 2024 to 2026 time frame, and some renovations to the auditorium building, and a new maintenance building in the 2026 to 2028 time frame. The plan was approved by the advisory board and will be submitted to KCTCS for future planning.

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