1st Reading of Ordinance To Lower Speed Limit on Kings Chapel Road Passes

Trigg County magistrates approved the first reading of an ordinance Monday evening to reduce the speed limit on Kings Chapel Road.

County Attorney Randy Braboy read the ordinance to the court.


Magistrates approved the first reading of the ordinance, with Mike Lane casting the lone nay vote. The ordinance must now be published in the Cadiz Record’s upcoming issue, and the second reading and possible approval will come during the Monday, December 7 meeting.

Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander said the recommendation for the reduction came from magistrate Alana Dunn after talking with residents that lived on the road.

A recent study conducted by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet determined the court could justify changing the speed limit to 50 MPH. Dunn added the suggestion from those living along the most congested portion of the road is 45 MPH.

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