Kentucky Enters Third Week of Record-High COVID-19 Cases

Kentucky yet again broke another COVID-19 record this week in regards to the number of new cases.

Governor Andy Beshear announced Sunday afternoon 1,177 cases and four deaths. As the reporting week comes to a close, he added this was the highest week of cases by nearly 500.

Beshear said the virus is spreading in communities across the Commonwealth and that everyone must do their part to stop the spread and save lives.

Kentucky Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack added everyone needs to remember to avoid social gatherings, maintain a social distance of at least six feet, wear a mask, and wash your hands thoroughly.

The statewide positivity rate rose to 7.24-percent, the highest in over six months. Currently, 1,102 remained hospitalized, 279 in the ICU, and 148 are on the ventilator.

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