Cadiz Water Treatment Plant Nearing Completion

The new water treatment plant that was built on the east side of Cadiz should be online shortly.

Public Works Director Kerry Fowler tells the News Edge they have had a few setbacks.


Fowler adds over the last few weeks, lots of tests have been conducted.


During a recent inspection, the state inspector told Fowler this facility was truly state-of-the-art.


The facility will use a membrane filtration system, which can take out particles that are 200-times smaller than a human hair. The new facility will also bring a change of chemicals used by the city to filtrate water from Lake Barkley.


Complete training for city water department employees will begin next week, and Fowler is confident his crew will catch on quickly.

Cadiz Mayor Todd King expresses his gratitude to Fowler and his crew for making the facility a reality.


The new facility is located in front of Transcraft in the Interstate 24 Business Park near the Montgomery area of Trigg County. It will be able to treat 1.5 million gallons of water a day but can be expanded to process 2.1 million gallons a day. Currently, the city uses over 550,000 gallons of water a day.

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