Trial Delayed For Cadiz Man Charged in Hopkinsville Shooting


The trial set to begin Monday for a Cadiz man charged in connection to a shooting on East 2nd Street has been delayed until next month.

38-year old Travis Scott Mayes and his public defenders Douglas Moore and Erin Fleischman, along with Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Bolen appeared virtually for a status hearing before Christian Circuit Court Judge John Atkins Friday morning. Judge Atkins scheduled the hearing after he learned Tuesday the prosecutor and the defense attorneys are quarantined due to being exposed to others who have tested positive for COVID-19.

During the Friday hearing, Moore informed Judge Atkins he is to remain in quarantine until Thursday, October 22 while Bolen said she is quarantined until Saturday, October 24th. For those reasons and scheduling conflicts, Judge Atkins rescheduled the trial to begin next month. However, Mayes argued it wasn’t his fault they were quarantined and questioned why the trial couldn’t be held virtually.

Moore asked Judge Atkins if Mayes could be released on bond with an ankle monitor with Bolen arguing against it based on Mayes’ past criminal history and with his current charge related to a shooting. She said a pandemic is not a reason to let him out of jail on bond.

Judge Atkins denied the bond motion and set the trial to begin on November 5th. Again Mayes started to argue and demanded to know why his trial couldn’t be held Monday. Judge Atkins explained that he gave him the earliest trial date that could be agreed upon by all parties.

Mayes is accused of shooting Derrell Bateman in the abdomen on East 2nd Street on February 17, 2020. Bateman was flown to a Nashville hospital for treatment and identified Mayes as the shooter.

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