Caldwell County Reporting 16 New Cases; Breaks 200 Cases Since Pandemic Began

Caldwell County has now reported over 200 cases of coronavirus since the pandemic began in mid-March.

Judge-Executive Larry Curling confirmed sixteen new cases of the virus Monday afternoon which brings the county’s total case number to 202. He added the cases involve a 40-year-old female, 15-year-old female, 47-year-old male, 56-year-old female, 39-year-old female, 74-year-old female, 62-year-old female, 38-year-old female, 18-year-old female, 20-year-old male, 40-year-old female, 60-year-old female, 27-year-old female, 30-year-old female, 25-year-old male, and a 22-year-old female.

All of Monday’s new cases are recovering in their own homes.

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