Monday Trial in Christian Circuit Court Cancelled

A jury trial set to begin in Christian County Circuit Court Monday has been cancelled.

Chief Circuit Judge John Atkins tells the News Edge the jury trial was cancelled after he received a call Sunday the prosecutor in the case has been quarantined due to a family member testing positive for COVID-19.

According to Judge Atkins, this would have been the first jury trial held since the pandemic began in March. He said the trial will likely be rescheduled at a later date, possibly this month.

Earlier this year, the judicial system implemented several changes to protect the health and safety of court staff and the public. Some of those changes included postponing all jury trials and virtual appearances for attorneys, prosecutors, and inmates involved in arraignments, pretrial conferences and other hearings.

The cancellation of Monday’s trial means jurors do not have to report to the Christian County Justice Center. Officials said jurors will receive a text notification with more information, or jurors can call 270-889-6537 and listen to the answering machine or visit the website.

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