Ag Commissioner Quarles Announces Annual Poster and Essay Contest

Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles invites students to enter the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s annual Poster and Essay Contest.

Quarles said the theme of the 2021 contest is ‘Kentucky Agriculture Never Stops’ and students in Kindergarten through 12th grade can submit a poster, an essay of 500 words or less, or a digital entry, which may be photos or original digital artwork. He added each entry must include the written theme and be postmarked by Monday, March 1, 2021.

Winners will be notified by Friday, April 9, 2021, and will receive $100 and be recognized at the 2021 Poster and Essay Contest Awards ceremony. Winning entries will also be displayed in Quarles’ Frankfort office and the 2021 Kentucky State Fair in Louisville.

For more information, including complete contest rules and an entry form, click here. You can also contact Elizabeth Gordon, director of the KDA’s Education and Outreach Division, at or calling (502) 782-4125.

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