Hopkinsville City Council Ward Two Candidates Discuss Issues

During the Christian County League of Women’s Voters forum this week, Democratic incumbent candidate Kim McCarley and Independent candidate Ron Hicks discussed issues facing the city and their neighborhoods as they vie for the Ward 2 council seat.

McCarley has served on City Council since 2009 and serves as Vice Chairman of the Hopkinsville Public Transportation Advisory Committee. McCarley said she is a wife, mother and grandmother. She added her aim has always been to lead by example within her community and workplace to enhance the life quality for those she serves. McCarley said she has close to 15-years of combined experiences in local government, administration, public service and advocacy.

Hicks moved to Hopkinsville in 1992 after serving in the U.S. Army for a little over ten years. Hicks said he has served on several boards in the city, including the Hopkinsville Human Relations Commission, and said his mission is serving the community. He has also pastored at several churches and is the current pastor at Henderson Memorial Baptist Church, and he believes God has called him to serve.

Both candidates fielded several questions including nonpartisan elections with wards, which was a hot topic that was vetoed by the mayor after the ordinance was narrowly adopted by the city council.

Democratic incumbent candidate Kimberly McCarley

McCarley said she objected to nonpartisan voting because the last thing she wanted to do was suppress the voice of the majority in order to achieve the will of a select group.

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Hicks said he wanted to address the elephant in the room in which there was a clear division within segments of the city’s population and on the city council which voted along ethnic lines. He added it’s concerning to him because it lets him know there is a lack of communication and information, understanding, and dialogue.

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Both McCarley and Hicks agreed the greatest challenge or issue facing Hopkinsville at this time is the coronavirus pandemic. McCarley says no one was prepared for the pandemic but she believes it is imperative to rally behind the science. Hicks agreed but believes the economic recovery from the pandemic is critical, not only for individuals but for small businesses.

Independent candidate Ron Hicks

Both candidates also agreed safety and providing housing or a place to live for the growing number of homeless people in the city is crucial.

The video of the Ward 2 forum is below:

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