CCHD Lifts Additional Recommendations Related To COVID-19

The additional recommendations put into place by the Christian County Health Department related to the increases in coronavirus cases were lifted at noon Friday.

Spokeswoman Amanda Sweeney says many of the community partners worked with the health department to temporarily cancel activities and events that would help contribute to the spread of the virus. She adds they appreciate the diligence from those in the community who worked with the health department’s staff to follow the additional recommendations that were in effect from September 23 until noon Friday, October 2.

According to Sweeney, from September 17th-23rd, the county’s incidence rate was an average of 28.7, and from September 25th-October 1st, the incidence rate dropped to 23.1 taking Christian County from the red, “critical” category, to the orange, “accelerated” category. Now that the additional recommendations have been lifted, she says the health department will continue to monitor the county’s incidence rate using local, real-time numbers and will inform the community should a spike occur. Sweeney adds utilizing real-time data, the county’s current incidence rate is at 21.5.

Although the county has seen a decline in the incidence rate, the health department is urging the community to be diligent in efforts to follow the current guidelines that have been put in place by state officials to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Continuance until further guidance from Governor Beshear:

  • All places of work need to revisit and ensure that they adhere to the Healthy at Work guidance. Ensure policies and procedures are following guidelines.
  • All retail/workplaces/facilities/restaurants need to have signs posted stating that masks are required before entering the facility, per Healthy at Work guidance.
  • If you own a business open to the public, have someone at the door ensuring patrons are masked before entering the place of business.
  • Fitness facilities ensure equipment is spaced 6 feet apart, to promote social distancing, and increase cleaning and disinfecting procedures.
  • Restaurants ensure you are only seating patrons at 50% capacity.
  • Healthcare facilities put procedures in place to ensure patients are social distanced in waiting room areas.
  • Ensure all health care workers are wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Facilities housing any events or venues, please keep attendance at no more than 50% capacity and ensure all attendees are wearing a mask.
  • If you are considered in the “high risk” population (65 years or older or those immunocompromised), consider staying at home as much as possible and social distancing from others.
  • Schools please review and continue to follow matrix, guidance, and expectations given by Governor Beshear, Kentucky Department of Public Health, and Kentucky Department of Education.
  • Long-term Care facilities follow guidance, and expectations given by Governor Beshear, Kentucky Department of Public Health, and Cabinet of Health and Family Services.
  • Remember that masks are still a state mandate when in public places.
  • If you are in quarantine, STAY IN QUARANTINE until released by the Christian County Health Department. A negative test result within the 14-day quarantine period DOES NOT release individuals from quarantine. Actions can be taken against those who do not follow the orders directed by the Health Department to quarantine.

Sweeney says failure to follow the guidelines will contribute to the increase of incidence rates, cause a community setback, and put Christian County back in the red, “critical” category, which is an incidence rate above 25. Should this happen, she says additional measures will have to be taken to reduce the numbers. Sweeney adds in order for the county to continue on the path toward a lower number of cases and reduced incidence rates, individuals should wear a mask in public, practice social distancing as much as possible, frequently wash hands, and utilize the health department’s free testing site at Tie-Breaker Park. She says businesses and schools should continue to follow the Healthy at Work and Healthy at School guidelines and review company practices to ensure employees and students are adhering to the guidelines.

If you have any questions or need clarification, Sweeney says you can reach out to your Healthy at Work or Healthy at School officers for guidance. If you would like to file a complaint or express a concern in the community regarding COVID-19, you can contact the Christian County Health Department via its website or Facebook page.

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