Safe Halloween Guidelines Announced

Kentucky Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack announced guidelines Thursday afternoon on how to stay safe this Halloween.

Stack started off by saying they know it’s an unusual year and that adults are advised against hosting any parties.

The complete guidance can be found here or a summarized version here. Stack shared some other things you shouldn’t do when celebrating the holiday.

Stack added any activities where children will be walking around, they should be wearing a mask under their costume.

In other updates, Governor Andy Beshear announced they have added the state of Florida to the Kentucky travel advisory. The advisory asks anyone who may travel to states that have a more than 15% positivity rate to quarantine for 14 days when they return home. Florida was added, even though they have an 11% positivity rate because a lot of people tend to visit the state during fall break.

The governor also announced Thursday 910 new COVID-19 cases and 17 new deaths, including a 29-year-old from Clark County.

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