Trigg Planning Commission Approves Two Subdivision Plans

The Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission approved two subdivisions and an amendment to some previous action due to a clerical error during their Tuesday evening meeting.

Before voting on any action, Ken Stallons was sworn-in by Judge Chappell Wilson.

In new business, commission members approved the final plans for the Stallons, Strakal, Stallons, and Towler Subdivision. Chairman Bob Brame told commission members at the August meeting action was needed so the property could be sold at auction.

Brame explained the plots of land had been sold and final approval was needed from the commission.

Wilson asked at the previous meeting that a 378-line be added. The line shows where the property may have flooded previously as reported by the Army Corp. of Engineers.

Before the final approval vote Tuesday, members Ken Stallons and Mike Heffington recused themselves from voting and left the room as they had connections to the project. Commission Attorney Steve Underwood said they must do that when they have connections to projects that come before the group.

The subdivision will be located on Blue Springs Road between Stallons Road and Rock House Way.

In other action, members approved a minor subdivision on Montgomery Church Road, about 1.1 miles from Kentucky 276.

The Lily Place 2 Minor Subdivision is owned by Steven Fincham, of Madisonville.

Commission members also approved to amend the petitioner on a B-2 reclassification they approved in January near Interstate 24. Brame said the Cadiz RV Park currently under construction on Rocky Ridge Road was filed under the wrong LLC.

Both LLCs are owned by the same group of people and Three Amigos Enterprises, LLC was in operation in the state when the public hearing and other meetings were held for the project.

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