Caldwell County Reporting 9 New COVID-19 Cases Thursday

Caldwell County has reported nine new coronavirus cases, leading to over 30 reported since Monday.

Judge-Executive Larry Curling confirmed Thursday afternoon the county’s 119th through 127th cases since the pandemic began in mid-March. He added the cases involve a 66-year-old female, 34-year-old female, 43-year-old female, 53-year-old female, 68-year-old male, 47-year-old male, 37-year-old male, 28-year-old male, and a 54-year-old male, who are all isolated at home.

Judge Curling notes the nine new cases join nine announced Monday, eight on Tuesday, and six on Wednesday for a total of 32 cases reported over a four day period.

The Pennyrile District Health Department is expected to release updated active case numbers and recoveries for the five county district Friday.

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