Cameron on Short List for U.S. Supreme Court

Kentucky’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron was among the names on the president’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees announced earlier this week.

The Associated Press reports President Donald Trump announced his top 20 candidates for Supreme Court justices should a seat open during his presidency. Cameron was elected in 2019 as Kentucky’s first African-American attorney general and has garnered national attention for his office’s investigation of the shooting death of Breonna Taylor in Louisville.

Trump’s list comes ahead of November’s general election, presumably a move to reassure conservative voters as he did in the 2016 election. In the event of his re-election, Trump could fill as many as three Supreme Court vacancies. Conservatives currently hold a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court, and the nomination of conservative justices could give the Court a conservative majority for decades. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 87, Justice Stephen Breyer is 82, and Justice Clarence Thomas is 72. The remainder of the Court is 70 or younger.

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