McConnell Honors Heroes of September 11th Attacks

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered remarks Thursday morning on the Senate floor regarding the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on our nation.

McConnell said thousands of our fellow Americans were murdered by terrorists nineteen years ago. He added national landmarks were burning and brave first responders in New York City, Arlington, and Pennsylvania, rushed into mortal danger, putting their lives on the line to save strangers.

As the dust settled, McConnell said three thousand American families grieved their loved ones far before their time. He added we quickly saw there was no going back and the old world that we had woken up to that Tuesday morning was gone.

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McConnell said he and fellow Kentuckians could not be prouder of the heroes stationed on our soil who have deployed throughout the War on Terror, including soldiers from Fort Campbell.

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He added a decade later the Night Stalkers were helicoptering over Afghanistan yet again where SEAL Team Six was inserted and extracted the night Osama bin Laden was taken off the battlefield.

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McConnell said that darK day occasioned brave contributions from many — from the firefighters who sprinted through smoke…to the citizens who donated blood and flew our flag…to the young men and women who are stationed thousands of miles from home right now to help our nation project power and protect our homeland.

Senator McConnell concluded his remarks by saying may we never tire of the toughness, vigilance, and persistence it has taken — and will continue to take — to make our pledge, “Never Again,” a reality.

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