Christian County Schools Returning To In-Person Instruction

Students will be returning to the classroom in the Christian County Public School District beginning Tuesday, September 8, after board members approved using a hybrid model of instruction for the middle and high schools and traditional learning for the elementary schools.

Superintendent Chris Bentzel

Superintendent Chris Bentzel explained the basis of why they believe it’s better for students to return to the classroom sooner rather than later, including it’s really hard to teach non-traditional learning (NTI) when you’ve never met your students

He added another reason is the kids they are missing are the ones they cannot miss in order to close the learning gap.

Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Laura Morris presented an update to the Healthy at Schools guidance that requires all students and staff to wear face masks at all times when indoors regardless of social distancing. She added with the new face mask restrictions they are urging each school to make arrangements for water and snack breaks and outside breaks.

She said the only face mask exceptions are when students or staff are eating and drinking, or students have a verified medical condition.

Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Laura Morris

Morris also read a letter the school district received from Christian County Health Department Director Kayla Bebout on Thursday. In the letter, Bebout said as a health department they do not recommend returning to in-person classroom instruction until the state’s public health commissioner and the governor recommend it. She added the health department would respect the board’s decision and continue to work alongside the district during this process amid the pandemic.

Board members approved Bentzel’s recommendation by 4-1 with Tom Bell casting the lone nay vote. Bell voiced his opposition for the hybrid and traditional models and felt the district needed to continue with NTI until September 28th, which they had previously voted to do based upon the governor’s recommendation. In addition, Bell said he was going with the health department’s recommendation and he feels the safety of the students was the board’s first priority.

VLA Principal Annette Wesley

The board also extended the enrollment period for the Virtual Learning Academy until Monday afternoon at 5:00. Enrollment reopened Wednesday and VLA Principal Annette Wesley said 379 more students had enrolled as of Thursday afternoon in addition to the 2,397 students who previously enrolled.

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