Trial Date Set for Cadiz Man Charged In Hopkinsville Shooting

A Christian County Circuit Court judge denied a bond reduction Thursday afternoon and set a trial date for a Cadiz man charged in connection to a shooting on East 2nd Street earlier this year.

Travis Scott Mayes was charged with first-degree assault after police reported he shot Derrell Bateman in the abdomen on East 2nd Street in Hopkinsville on February 17. Bateman was flown to a Nashville hospital for treatment and identified Mayes as the shooter.

Mayes and his public defender, Erin Fleishmann and Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Bolen appeared before Judge John Atkins for a motion to reduce Mayes’ bond, which is $50,000.

Fleishmann’s arguments for the bond reduction included there is no privacy for her to communicate with her client about his case while he is in jail.

Bolen said they are opposed to reducing Mayes’ bond due to his criminal past and he was out on parole when the shooting occurred.

After hearing all the arguments, including from Mayes, Judge Atkins denied the motion.

Judge Atkins also set a trial date for October 19th-20th.

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