Groundbreaking Held At Auburn Wastewater Treatment Plant


Governor Andy Beshear announced Thursday, after nearly five years, the City of Auburn and Logan County Fiscal Court officially broke ground on the Auburn wastewater treatment plant expansion.The governor says the upgrades will better serve Champion Petfoods USA Inc. and will make Auburn more attractive to future investors.

By using a $1.5 million Community Development Block Grant from the Department for Local Government, the plant expansion will provide the first updates to the plant in roughly 30 years. Governor Beshear said the upgrade will encourage greater economic growth, residential expansion, and industry development in the area.

Auburn Mayor Mike Hughes explained the project will eliminate barriers to further economic development and allow well-paying jobs, new residential growth, and more investment in the future of the community.

Logan County Judge-Executive Logan Chick expressed his gratitude to the Department for Local Government for working with the county and city of Auburn on this process. He added it will enhance growth prospects in the eastern part of Logan County.

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